1. Good nutrition is key to human health and comprises mainly fresh produce of animal and vegetable origin and healthy fats from whole food sources.
2. Many modern chronic conditions are exacerbated and, in some cases, possibly caused by poor nutrition.
3. Refocusing our diets towards whole foods eaten at specific meal times and away from processed foods especially those including grains, soy, vegetable oils and sugar, enables us to eat to satiety and provides the nutrients that help optimise our health.
4. Remission of Type 2 diabetes (achieving an HbA1C of under 42 mmol/mol) or 6% can be achieved for many patients.
5. Type 2 diabetes has at its core an inability to process carbohydrates effectively. Thus putting Type 2 diabetes into remission may be achieved through dietary changes that reduce carbohydrate consumption.
Low Carbohydrate (under 130 g of net carbohydrates per day);
Ketogenic (under 30 g of net carbohydrates per day);
Very Low Calorie (800 calories or less for a limited time period; and
Time Restricted Eating
have all been shown to have promising results.
All of these methods result in lower carbohydrate ingestion compared to a standard modern diet. Restricting carbohydrates is therefore a viable approach, worthy of consideration for all patients with Type 2 diabetes.
6. We are aware that individuals are successfully putting T2 diabetes into remission and controlling T1 diabetes within non-diabetic blood sugar ranges, by restricting carbohydrates and at the same time using a variety of food preferences from carnivore to vegan and everything in between.
7. In April 2019, the American Diabetes Association endorsed low carbohydrate diets including very low carbohydrate diets for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. This approach is increasingly being followed successfully by many medical practitioners in advising their patients.
8. In Spring 2019 NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the UK) endorsed Dr Unwin's graphics showing the impact of carbohydrates on blood sugars for those with Type 2 diabetes. https://phcuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/NICE-Endorsed-Sugar-Infographics-Poster.pdf
9. 2019 has seen the very first publication on de-prescribing Type 2 diabetes medication through Low carbohydrate nutrition by the British Journal of General Practice. We feel this is helpful for health care professionals who would like to know how to de-prescribe medications for Type 2 diabetes in those patients wishing to choose a lower carbohydrate approach. https://bjgp.org/content/69/684/360.long
10. Numerous scientific papers continue to be published showing promise in improving health for those suffering from a range of chronic diseases through making better choices about what and when to eat. Evidence is mounting that adopting a low carbohydrate diet of fresh animal and plant produce, may have a significant positive impact on many chronic health conditions.
11. Ultimately food choices for each individual depends on personal beliefs, culture, budget, current metabolic condition and the availability of accessible professionals able to assist patients to make a safe transition to their new diet and assist in de-prescribing medications if necessary.
12. Individuals who adopt a low carbohydrate way of eating and who are already taking medication for their medical conditions (such as hypertension, Type 2 diabetes etc.), may experience health improvements very rapidly (often within the first week), and will need to consult a professional familiar with the effect of the dietary change in order to manage the transition safely.
13. We aim to ensure that more and more medical professionals worldwide become aware of the process as we strive to speed up the reversal of Type 2 diabetes and amelioration of other related chronic conditions worldwide.
14. Every day wasted is another day when someone, somewhere suffers a personal crisis because he or she does not yet know that, for example, Type 2 diabetes is a condition which can so often be treated though simple dietary changes.
15. There is a significant body of scientific research and individual success stories supporting this consensus. Our goal is not to replicate other websites that do an excellent job in making that science available. We encourage you to dip into this research yourself and make up your own mind.
16. The diet which works best for you is one which provides excellent health and which takes into account your own personal and societal situation. Success involves everyone finding a way of eating that can be adopted for the long term. If you suffer any chronic conditions you are encouraged to learn more about nutrition and the vital role that good food can play in health.
17. We will strive to assist in the process of generating quality research and report fairly the results of such work as it emerges. We feel it is so important this is done to better understand the balance of pros and cons that a low carbohydrate approach brings.
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